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Please join me on this 92-day-turned 108-day juice journey!

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Oh My!  I did 108 days on juice, exceeding the 92!

I'm still blogging post-feast, so keep checking in!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A chocolate-free, juice-filled Easter!

Happy Easter on this Day 23 of the Global Juice Feast!
Yesterday evening the Victoria group had their weekly JuiceLuck!  Though our numbers are dwindling, many people cutting off at the 10-day mark, there were four of us: Ayrie, Constanze, Robin, plus myself.  Ayrie documented the evening again, and the video is posted on the website.  It's worth taking a gander at!
I brought a juice of pineapple, carrot, swiss chard, celery and cucumber.  It was quite smooth and refreshing! (Pineapples are in-season tropically -- and on sale!)  There were a couple other juices that were tasty, too: tangerine and carrot was one and the other was a raspberry, tomato concoction with greens!  Surprising and intriguing!
I am still really driven to complete the entire 92-day feast!  Though I'm finding the juices full of nutritional reward...making me not feeling that I'm missing any key nutrients.  A lot of people immediately question what they regard as my lack of protein intake...without knowing that leafy greens are rich in protein!
People have been commenting on noticing a real shift in me -- clarity seeping through the cracks!
Well, Spring is the air! A welcome! Blossoms, and veggie starts abound!

1 comment:

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Ha ha ha! I love the name of your blog! Just found it from Juicy Ben. Can't wait to catch up with it.
Pixy Lisa