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Please join me on this 92-day-turned 108-day juice journey!

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Oh My!  I did 108 days on juice, exceeding the 92!

I'm still blogging post-feast, so keep checking in!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I've lost count...

So, I finally had a thin green (well, actually purple) smoothie the evening of Day 11. It didn't sit overly terrifically - partly because it wasn't the best smoothie -- so the next day I went back to all juice.

And I think I'm on about Day of liquid -- this morning, I made a thin Cacao smoothie...and ate a couple thin slices of banana.

I am feeling really good on liquid -- and will keep up with a lot more juicing from now on.

I have been reacting somewhat to my high fruit sugar content cheeks getting flushed...but yesterday I juiced with a lot of celery and cucumber - and in the process reminded myself of how I don't really like celery juices!

Have dropped some of the nut-munching, autumn weight I'd gained, and am feeling lighter and better!

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