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Please join me on this 92-day-turned 108-day juice journey!

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Oh My!  I did 108 days on juice, exceeding the 92!

I'm still blogging post-feast, so keep checking in!

Friday, February 29, 2008

My last day of SOLIDS!


I went shopping for fruits and veggies today -- came back with teaming bags -- and I got really excited!

I was overwhelmed and delighted at the selection of organic produce at The Market on Yates. They even had organic pineapples and blood oranges! I was even able to pick up a couple young the milk inside reportedly is likened to blood plasma. I found it amusing that I walked around and around looking for a cart and finally was able to locate one. The Market is usually used by the quick-pick-up shoppers, not the haul-around-a-buggy type -- but really it should be! -- Hey, they even had organic kumquats! That's not an every day thing.

Happily entering the land of the All-Mighty Juice!


David and Katrina Rainoshek said...

Hi Bronwyn!!

Beautiful photos!! We are so happy your are juicing with us!!

We love you,

David and Katrina

Bronwyn said...

Thanks guys! I was at the kick-off party at Ayrie and Constanze's last night -- but we had no luck contacting you!

Anonymous said...

That's gorgeous! Makes me want a pineapple or maybe even some juice! Congrats on day 2 ;)